E-Learning Council

Advisory Group Meeting Notes

The E-learning Advisory Group had its meeting on Friday March 30, 2008 to:

Please feel free to comment on any of the notes below using the comment section (you do have to register in order to comment)



The E-Learning Council held its charter meeting on May 15th with over 20 people attending to discuss the need for and purpose of forming an organization focused on the sharing of resources and information related to E-Learning. The group quickly reached consensus that such an organization would be valuable. Volunteers were recruited to serve as an initial advisory board to begin work on defining the mission, goals, and structure. Additionally, MicroAssist launched a collaborative website.

Brainstorming Notes

The group brainstormed various aspects of the organization, what it should and should not be, and developed three draft mission statements to be posted on the website for collaborative editing and comment. (See website for statements.)


YES! (Our vision of ELC)


No! (What we want to avoid)

Website Features


Policies for posting and policing content will be needed

Policies/limits/use of site for job postings

Miscellaneous Discussion Items

The group decided to forgo formal officer positions and bylaws for now and to focus the summer effort on general outreach and growth of the website as a resource.

Sanjay will continue to manage the website.

Many aspects of the organization will evolve naturally as ELC grows

There is immediate need for website content.

It is recognized that if the organization grows as expected, there are potential costs so the need for revenue must eventually be addressed. Possibilities could include optional membership fees, website ads, vendor sponsorships. That will all be addressed/discussed in the future.

Action Items

Post draft mission statement ideas on website and solicit feedback

Encourage new members to join (by creating an account on the website)

Generate additional web content

Identify how ELC/website can serve existing groups like the Lectora Users Group that would like to work in conjunction with ELC, perhaps even as a Special Interest Group (SIG)