E-Learning Council

Creating Custom E-Learning Solutions Part II: Training Overview

This blog entry is part II of a series on Creating Custom E-Learning solutions. Click here to read Part I: General Business Overview.

Once the purpose and success metrics for a custom E-Learning solution are established (see Part I), the following questions further refine the content and scope of the project. Important questions to consider include:

Seat Time

What is the estimated duration of the training module(s) from the learner’s perspective (i.e., how long will it take a learner to complete the training module or series of modules)?

Industry standards measure E-Learning in one (1) hour segments. Generally, the compression rate is about 50%.  For example, a 2 hour face-to-face class compresses to a one (1) hour course.  This is an important consideration in developing training for continuing education units (CEUs).  When building E-Learning, efficiencies are gained when the seat time extends beyond one (1) hour.

Source Content

Where will the source content come from?

  1. Instructor led classes: If training has been held as an instructor led class:

    a. How many times?

    b. Do the presentation/class materials include speaker notes or are the speaker notes
        all in the instructor’s head?

  2. If content is not derived from prior instructor led training:

    a. What books or manuals will content be drawn from? Do you have copyrights to them?

    b. What presentation or series of presentations will be used? Are there speaker notes?

  3. What other documented sources of content exist?

Levels of Interactivity

  1. There are four levels of learner interactivity. What level is appropriate? Hint: We typically discuss this with the SME and Instructional Designer together.
  2. We are all familiar with “death by PowerPoint” but did you know that video can be considered a “level 1” interactivity too?  Additional detailed information about the four levels of learner interactivity are found on the MicroAssist blog: The Learning Dispatch in Linda Warren’s white paper, “Myths About Online Training.” 


Must training meet any particular accessibility standards for people with vision, hearing or movement disabilities? These may include:

  1. Low or no vision
  2. Hearing impaired: hard of hearing or deafness
  3. Mobility issues, i.e. impairments affecting the ability use a mouse to get around a screen
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